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      • changelogs Implemented Hunting Mission. Requires 20k Zeny Per Mission. ( accessible only to VIP users ) Added Daily Zeny Traders. Requires 1m Zeny to unlock the NPC. Has a 24 hour cool down.  You can access this feature on our Mission Board. Added Daily Bradium Traders. Requires 1m Zeny to unlock the NPC. Has a 24 hour cool down. You can access this feature on our Mission Board. Autoattack - We are working on improving our autoattack feature. We will implement once we completed all our test with our auto attack system. VIP user will now have free 4 Hours Agi/Bless Buffs daily. Check out the list of our upcoming upgrades Here   OPTIONAL Earnings Daily Zeny Trader - Free For All At least level 85 to Participate Requires 1m Zeny 300 RoKs VIP Non-VIP 100 RoKs   Daily Bradium Fragments Trader - Free For All At least level 85 to Participate Requires 20 Bradium Fragments 200 RoKs VIP Non-VIP 100 RoKs  
      • Changelogs All characters are now free. All character will now be reset to level 1 Novice. NPC are now move in mid Prontera. We also added a kafra and a save point. Job change to Second Job now requires 200k Zeny. OCA are now 200 Ymir Coin each and will increase by 20 Ymir Coin with each subsequent purchase. OBB are now 150 Ymir Coin each and will increase by 10 Ymir Coin with each subsequent purchase. EXP and JOB are now set to 10x. Ymir Token Exchange now has a 20,000z Fee. Increase Critical rate from 100% to 140%. New Account will get free 7 Days VIP. Disabled PvP On when MVP is Alive. No teleport will still be enabled when MvP is alive. VIP Now will have additional 20% EXP Rate and 50% Drop Rate. Updated Referral System. Referrer will now receive 1 OCA, 100 YMIR and 3Days Rental Greed Clip. Invited Players will get an additional 7 Days VIP. Mission Access Scroll is now available in our Ymir Token Shop. Added Mercenary Rental System. You can access them in archer Village. Added 3D Rental Greed Clip and Level 10 Mercenary Scrolls in our Donation Shop. Reward shop can now only be access when you are eligible on our Play to Earn System. You need to buy and consume the Mission Access Scroll. Implemented Streamer Program Check out our upcoming updates here Auto Attack Feature Currently Auto attack has no time limit as long as you are VIP. There will be an updated version of this. Commands are @autoattack and @autoattack <skill id> Auto Attack Up Coming Updates Daily VIP will have free 4 hours using the autoattack They can extend the autoattack per hour with additional payment 30 Ymir Coin per hour. They can only extend the number of remaining hours before 12 a.m. If a player pays 200 Ymir Coin which is the @autoattack4 this means they can use autoattack3 and below. @autoattack - attack all monsters - no payment @autoattack2 <heal HP% item id>,<heal SP% item id > With payment 100 Ymir Coin @autoattack3 <skill id>,<heal HP% item id >,<heal SP% item id > With payment 150 Ymir Coin @autoattack4 <mob id>,<skill id>,<heal HP% item id >,<heal SP% item id > With payment 200 Ymir Coin
      • STREAMER PROGRAM   How to Join? -  Send us an application with your name, page name and proper links including a brief introduction about yourself along with your IGN(The IGN of the character you will be using to claim rewards). Send it to [email protected] Subject: Applying for Regular Streamers or Official Streamers You must have a legitimate Facebook Account & Facebook Page where you can stream. No Troll accounts. No minimum followers needed. All aspiring and current streamers are welcome. Grow your page & community with us! Must share the link of your stream in the #streamer channel in RSS Discord (https://discord.gg/S7SHBxfQpS)   Daily Streamer Rewards: All Costume will have additional 300 Weight Limit and 10% Additional Experience Regular Streamers -  If your stream lasted for at least 2hrs:  100x RoK Points  5x Streamer's Megaphone  5x Grape Juice Box  5x Healing Potion Box  1x Costume Cyber Income ( 1 time - 60 Days Expiration - Character Bound )   Official Streamers -  If your stream lasted for at least 4hrs:  200x RoK Points  10x Streamer's Megaphone ( Character Bound )  8x Grape Juice Box  8x Healing Potion Box  4x Experience Scroll ( Character Bound )  1x Costume Costume Wings Of Uriel ( 1 time - 60 Days Expiration - Character Bound )                               Weekly Streamer Rewards: -  If you streamed for at least 4hrs a day, 5x within the same week (Week starts at MONDAY & ends on SUNDAY. Rewards to be given every MONDAY)  1x 5 Days Rental Greed Clip  2000 Reward Points  10x Streamer's Megaphone ( Character Bound )  10x Event Eir Box 100 ( 100 Healing Potion and 50 Grape Juice ) - (Character Bound)  1000x RoK Points  5x Quest Item: Bradium Fragments  10x Experience Scroll (Account Bound)  1x 7 days Account VIP   Monthly Streamer Rewards: -  If you streamed for at least 20 days within the same month. (Rewards will be given at the 30th / 31st of the month)  5000 Reward Points  100x Streamer's Megaphone ( Character Bound )  100x Event Eir Box 100 ( 100 Healing Potion and 50 Grape Juice ) - (Character Bound)  2000x RoK Points  30x Experience Scroll (Account Bound)  1x 7 days account VIP  10x Proof of Donation   Viewer Reach Program Be Sure to take a screen shot when you reach each Streamer Level and send it to [email protected]. You can only receive rewards once per level Level 1: When you reach at least 50 Viewers  Costume: Rainbow Poring Hat (Streamer Exclusive: Character Bound)  1x 7 Days VIP  500x RoK Points  100x Eir Box  50x Grape Juice Box  50x Healing Potion Box  5000 Reward Points Level 2: When you reach at least 100 Viewers, you will receive:  Costume: Crimson Booster (Streamer Exclusive: Character Bound)  1x 7 Days VIP   1000x RoK Points  200x Eir Box  100x Grape Juice Box  100x Healing Potion Box  10k Reward Points  5x Proof of Donation Level 3: When you reach at least 150 Viewers, you will receive:  Costume: Nekomimi Cyber Headphones (Streamer Exclusive: Character Bound)  1x 14 Days VIP  2000x RoK Points  300x Eir Box  200x Grape Juice Box  200x Healing Potion Box  10k Reward Points  10x Proof of Donation Level 4: When you reach at least 200 Viewers, you will receive:  Costume: Mobile Pursuit System (Streamer Exclusive: Character Bound)  1x 30 Days VIP  3000x RoK Points  400x Eir Box  300x Grape Juice Box  300x Healing Potion Box  15k Reward Points  15x Proof of Donation     Streaming Tips: 1.    Having A Camera & Microphone is a PLUS. It makes the viewers more interacted with you and vice-versa. 2.    Customize your alerts. Likes, Shares, Stars it’s a simple yet an effective way to acknowledge what your viewers do for you. 3.    Try to test everything before you go live. Your game sounds might be too loud, your camera might be blurry or you might’ve accidentally turned off your mic. 4.    Promote your streams. Try to spread it out there! Share it with your friends, with your guild, on your gaming groups and such. 5.    Try to maintain a schedule so your audience would know when they would tune in. 6.    Be confident! YES! 7.    Don’t mind the numbers and just have fun. Enjoy the moment! Suggested Software for streaming: OBS Studio Streamlabs OBS XSplit Broadcaster XSplit Gamecaster     Streamers Overlay Downloads:   Note: Mechanics are subjected to change without prior notice  
      • These are some of the changes that will be made during our Grand Server Launch. There will also be some updates in the game, which we will announce via our changelogs. Our Grand Server Launch Will be on September 3, 2022. All Character will be reset to 1. Free for the first character and then 400 Ymir to Succeeding Characters. All character will spawn on their last respawn point. Only VIP will be able to access Hunting Mission and MVP Hunting Mission. Cash prize for Events like Emp Breaker Event. - More details will be posted soon LP Program. - More details will be posted soon There will be no server wipe. Only characters will reset to level 1. PK will be disabled, MVP map will be PVP On when Boss Monster are alive(Temporary Disabled until our community is build) Experience scrolls, Insurance Box will now be available in our cash shop as well as the 7 and 14 days VIP. 20% of the Allocated VIP will go to our cash prize for the next month Event.  MVP Relics will be implemented. Auto Attack will be implemented for VIP Only. New Account will get free 7 Days VIP. Server Rates will be set to 10x for the first month and will be reduce by 2 on the succeeding month until we are set back to 1x. Streamer Program. - More details will be posted soon Requires Zeny to Unlock Hunting Mission NPC and other NPCs. - More details will be on our changelogs Increase Critical rate from 100% to 140%. The following updates will be provided in our changelogs for game updates. AMA Session With Streamers Before Our Grand Server Launch August 21 - with ECaii Gaming August 28 - TBA Note* User can only claim their daily Roks in Daily Mission if they win at least 30x times in BG(will only be implemented once BG is Released) Still requires 3 characters to access the hunting mission NPC all RoKs will go to unclaimable RoKs. Road Map for our P2E System Hunting Mission and Optional Earnings will be implemented on September 27, 2022 MVP Hunting Mission will be implemented on October 11, 2022 Battle Grounds will Be implemented on October 22, 2022 Hunting Mission Board VIP Only At least level 51 to Participate 300 max daily Requires Zeny use our current mechanics MVP Hunting Board VIP Only  At least level 85 to Participate 200 roks max daily Requires Zeny another npc but same mechanics as hunting mission but only mvps BG will be the appropriate pvp ground. Battlegrounds - Free For All At least level 85 to Participate 500 RoKs  Requires Zeny Per account can only play 10x a day Any BG mode, pick the easiest mode to get implement first then the other modes save for next time Test Phase: No roks reward Phase 1: Roks rewarded to winners only (Gear up, gitgud if you want to win roks) Phase 2: MMR/Rank system, Kill/death penalty System Phase 3: Winner will receive 50 Roks  / Loosing Team will Receive 0 RoKs  OPTIONAL Earnings Daily Zeny Trader - Free For All At least level 85 to Participate Requires 1m Zeny 300 RoKs VIP Non-VIP 100 RoKs   Daily Bradium Fragments Trader - Free For All At least level 85 to Participate Requires 20 Bradium Fragments 200 RoKs VIP Non-VIP 100 RoKs
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